
Different font combinations (mostly Google Fonts). Because it’s not always about working with WordPress, I sometimes need to play around with fonts, design and plain HTML + CSS development. This is a personal side project where I hope to create just nice looking layouts and, maybe, learn something along the way :).

Matar a un ruiseñor

Primera parte


Cuando se acercaba a los trece años, mi hermano Jem sufrió una grave fractura del brazo a la altura del codo. Cuando sanó y sus temores de que jamás podría volver a jugar al fútbol se diluyeron, raras veces se acordaba de aquel percance. El brazo izquierdo le quedó algo más corto que el derecho; si estaba de pie o andaba, el dorso de la mano formaba casi ángulo recto con el cuerpo y el pulgar rozaba el muslo. A Jem no podría preocuparle menos, con tal que pudiera pasar y chutar.

Poetry is no place for a heart that's a whore
And I'm young and I'm strong
But I feel old and tired
Over fired

And I've been poked and stoked
It's all smoke, there's no more fire
Only desire
For you, whoever you are
For you, whoever you are

You say my time here has been some sort of joke
That I've been messing around
Some sort of incubating period
For when I really come around
I'm cracking up
And you have no idea

No idea how it feels to be on your own
In your own home
With the fucking phone
And the mother of gloom
In your bedroom
Standing over your head
With her hand in your head
With her hand in your head

I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
When all I wanted was to be good
To do everything in truth
To do everything in truth

Oh I wish I wish I wish I was born a man
So I could learn how to stand up for myself
Like those guys with guitars
I've been watching in bars
Who've been stamping their feet to a different beat
To a different beat
To a different beat

I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
When all I wanted was to be good
To do everything in truth
To do everything in truth

You bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
For you, whoever you are

Bloody Mother F***Ing A**Hole

Martha Wainwright

Alerta COVID-19

Siguiendo las recomendaciones de las autoridades competentes,
el estudio permanecerá cerrado hasta que se levante el estado de alarma.


Your next trip to


new offers 2021-2022

Thailand landscape

The people

Kogi Cosby sweater ethical squid irony disrupt, organic tote bag gluten-free XOXO wolf typewriter mixtape small batch. DIY pickled four loko McSweeney's, Odd Future dreamcatcher plaid.

The islands

Fap mumblecore church-key PBR&B, direct trade 8-bit swag asymmetrical slow-carb Marfa ethical. Mustache retro four loko, church-key Thundercats Portland Helvetica Cosby sweater Echo Park sartorial 8-bit ugh bicycle rights iPhone tote bag.

The food

PBR&B single-origin coffee gluten-free McSweeney's banjo, bicycle rights food truck gastropub vinyl four loko umami +1 narwhal chia.

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat (en camboyano, អង្គរវត្ត, Ângkôr Vôtt /ɑŋkɔr vɔt/), escrito también en ocasiones Angkor Vat, es el templo hinduista más grande y también el mejor conservado de los que integran el asentamiento de Angkor.
Está considerado como la mayor estructura religiosa jamás construida,1​ y uno de los tesoros arqueológicos más importantes del mundo.